Yes Sudbury ... This website is dedicated to our community, the great north country and the world we live in.  Individually and collectively we can make a difference! 

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Making the most of our community:  Sudbury is "positively exciting"   a unique diversified community of 160,000 people in Northern Ontario - a land of Lakes and Sunshine (more than anywhere else in the province) and home of the Bridge of Nations shown above, Science North and Dynamic Earth and of course the Big Nickel, plus many other attractions.

Let your friends and relatives know of our attractions that are the equal to cities many times larger than ours.  We have Northern Ontario's best know tourist attraction, Science North, on the shores of beautiful Lake Ramsey and also on the same site the only IMAX theatre north of Toronto and with 3D and more.    

The Big Nickel is located at Dynamic Earth, another exciting tourist attraction.  To  find out more about The City of Greater Sudbury go to  and the Science North Web site 

The bilingual "Friendly Sudbury" logo in city colours with a border of blue representing our many lakes projects our city image of being clean and green.  Our citizens and elected representatives strive to make our city:  Age Friendly, Arts Friendly, Business Friendly, City Hall Friendly, Cycle Friendly, Disability Friendly, Environmentally Friendly, Ethnic Friendly, Gender Friendly, Health Friendly, Lake Friendly, Park Friendly, Pedestrian Friendly, Shopping Friendly, Sports Friendly and Visitor Friendly.

Downtown Sudbury - for where to shop and dine info click here - to find out more about downtown history and a video of downtown almost 50 years ago click here.  For information on saving Sudbury Historical Sites of Value click here

For more Facts and Maps about Sudbury - Groups and Organizations and where to shop, stay and eat plus citizen and visitors comments about our city go to: SeeSudbury

Areas for consideration and comment:

Who we are and Why

Our bodies - Ourselves - we are what we eat and do

Environmental Concerns at home and in the World

Economic Concerns at the Personal and Global level

Political Concerns

Yes - Sudbury Tourism Information

Yes - Sudbury Museum Information

Yes - Sudbury Municipal Information

Yes - Sudbury Business Information

Yes - The Coalition for a Liveable  Sudbury. 

Yes - Sudbury Arts Council

Yes We Can: Sudburian Linda Cartier and son climb Mount Kilimanjaro - story and pictures - here:

Linda Cartier Kitchen - Tasty Vegan Meals - one from Africa

Other sites of interest maintained by Linda Cartier and John Lindsay of Financial Decisions Inc. as a public  service for visitors and residents:,,